

In order to see clearly, it is sufficient to change the direction of vision, as in the case of a lighthouse.
A lantern in the storm of today no longer helps. Consider the lantern like your experience. It is with the experience like a lantern in the back, it illuminates only the way which we have already behind us.
The future is like a sea without a shore, but from the lighthouse we see to the horizon. He who sees the horizon will have a goal. He who knows the goal can decide. He who can decide will soon find peace. He who finds peace is safe and he who is safe can consider. He who considers can act.

Consider a lighthouse from time to time .....
east sea – lighthouse – by Tom Schell © All Rights Reserve

Place of happiness,

Consciously chosen solitude, the need to escape social noise.

The effort to distance ourselves for more clarity, so as not to perceive everything that is close in a blurry way.

This kind of solitude is what makes us independent and gives us the ability to enjoy ourselves and feel fulfilled - and that depends solely on ourselves.

Loneliness is the fate of all great minds.

by Tom Schell © All rights reserved

Mysticism is the key to the soul door


You will be "Tomorrow",
what you think today.